Monday, June 28, 2010

Profit GAP

The iPad Factor in Digital Readers
"The electronic book market is looking increasingly hot, flat and crowded. A vicious price war has broken out among producers of digital readers because of Apple’s success with the iPad. Companies like Amazon hope that selling tomes across multiple devices will fill the profit gap. But competition in e-book distribution is heating up and could pressure margins there, too.
Apple has sold more than three million iPads in about two and a half months. While Amazon doesn’t give figures, analysts think it has sold a similar number of its Kindle e-readers over two and a half years."
Robert Cyran, June 28, 2010

Apple sold more than 3M iPads in 2.5 months
Amazon sold more than 3M Kindles in 2.5 years
There's a gap too.
The New York Times loves the gap.
Why not.

Text Color

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

GAP in representation; GAP in leadership

Wards 4 and 7 To Face Gap in Representation

By Elissa Silverman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 25, 2006; Page B02

“Ward 4 residents have grown accustomed to council member Adrian M. Fenty's untiring devotion to getting the small things done for his constituents.
But now because of an oddity in the city charter, ward residents will have no representative for at least four months after Fenty (D) resigns from the council and takes office as mayor Jan. 2.

The gap in leadership concerns some neighbors in upper Northwest, as well as those who live on the eastern side of the city where council member Vincent C. Gray (D-Ward 7) will soon vacate his seat to become chairman of the D.C. Council.”

Monday, November 13, 2006

GAP between doctors and research scientists

"BRIDGE THE GAP" between academics and doctors

"These days, prescription drug ads bombard the consumer at every turn. Even so, the $4 billion spent annually on direct-to-consumer advertising - enabled by federal legislation in 1997 - plales by comparison to what drug companies spend on marketing to doctors. According to the Amundsen Group, a pharmaceutical-industry consulting firm, drug manufacturers spend more than $12 billion a year on salespeople's salaries and benefits. That also includes managers' salaries - but not the other costs associated with the sales pitches, such as drug samples and the free meals provided to doctors.
"It's hard to compete with numbers like that, but physician Jerry Avorn is trying. A professor of Harvard Medical School, Avorn pioneered what he calls the 'unsales' approach: offering doctors solid science to augment, and in some cases refute, what the drug salespeople represent. Avorn's Alosa Foundation - named after a genus of fish that swim upstream - prepares literature and trains representatives to make unsales pitches. The drug industry calls their rep's office visiting 'detailing,' so Avorn calls his rep's visits 'academic detailing.' He aims to bridge the gap between doctors and research scientists who seem, he says, 'to have a good handle on the evidence,' but aren't very good communicators.

Elizabeth Gudrais, "Unsales" Pitches, Harvard Magazine, nov-Dec, 2006, p. 20

Monday, December 12, 2005

GAP between our thoughts

“The practice of meditation takes us on a fabulous journey into the gap between our thoughts, where all the advantages of a more peaceful, stress-free, healthy, and fatigue-free life are available. But they’re merely side benefits. The paramount reason for daily meditation is to get into the gap between our thoughts and make conscious contact with the creative energy of life itself. In this uplifting book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains the soul-nourishing meditation technique for making conscious contact with God, which the ancient masters have told us about.
“You have the potential to be an instrument of the highest good for all concerned and to be a literal miracle worker in your own life. No person, government entity, or religious group can legitimately claim to do this for you. ‘In fact,’ says Dr. Dyer, ‘I agree with Carl Jung, who said that one of the main functions of formalized religion is to protect people against a direct experience of God.’ (Dr. Dyer helps you have this direct experience by leading you through the meditation technique on the enclosed CD.)
“When you master getting into the gap, stay there for prolonged segments of meditation, and experience what you bring back to the material world, you’ll truly know the answer to the question: ‘Why meditate?” (Wayne W. Dyer, Getting into the Gap: Make Conscious Contact with God Through Meditation (Book with CD) [Hay House, 2002] dust cover

dust unto dust.

Mr. Dyer seems to want to get in the gap to get rid of the gap: The idea that “I am separate from God” is a figment of our egos, says Dr. Dyer.

“Indivisible oneness is the energy that turns a seed into a maple tree or a watermelon or a human being or anything else that’s alive. It’s invisible, omnipresent, and absolutely indivisible. We can’t divide oneness. Meditation offers us the closest experience we can have of rejoining our Source and being in the oneness at the same time that we’re embodied. This means that we have to tame our ego.”
(Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Getting in the Gap, Making Conscious Contact with God Through Meditation (Book with CD) (Hay House), 2002, p. 5.

Pantheism. “This is an identification of the universe with God. With this view there is a blurring of the distinction between the Creator and the creation as well as an attack upon the personality and nature of God. Pantheism tends to equate God with the process of the universe and states that the universe is God and God is the universe. This is not true because God is the creator of the universe (Isaiah 44:24) and therefore separate from it.”

He has read (or osmosed) Emerson; and Derrida – l’ecart? The gap, separation. The Hebrew Bible? God is and always will be separate from human beings. To know in the Biblical sense (“And Adam knew his wife Eve” Genesis 4:1). If one wants “to know” God, one must be as separate from Adam as Eve is. Knowing – intimate, voluntary. I want to know God? Does God want to know me?

Thursday, November 17, 2005

"GAPs are my starting point."

“Gaps are my starting point. My impotence is my origin.”
Paul Valery, Monsieur Teste
Epigraph to John Kelsey, “Stop Painting Painting,” Artforum, Oct, 2005, p. 222

“it is what I contain of the unknown to me that makes me myself. It is my clumsiness, my uncertainty that is really myself. My weakness, my frailty…Gaps are my starting point. My impotence is my origin.” Monsieur Teste, extracts from logbooks, Paul Valery, Monsieur Teste, translated by Jackson Mathews, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989, p 38)

“C’est ce que je porte d’inconnu a moi-meme qui me fait moi.
C’est ce que j’ai d’inhabile, d’incertain qui est bien moi-meme.
Ma faiblesse, ma fragilite…
Les lacunes sont ma base de depart. Mon impuissance est mon origine.”
(Valery, Monsieur Teste, (Editions Gallimar) 1946, 1896, p. 64

ecart – divergence; difference (de chiffre, de temperature); disparity; gap (entre, between).; supprimer l’ecart entre , to close the gap between; MILIT: error; deviation. FIG: lapse, slip (de conduite); flight (d’imaginations); error (de jeunesse); lapse, slip (de langage). (Larousse, F/E)

lacune – lacuna, gap.
What is the difference between ecart and lacune? “mon impuissance” does not have to be “my impotence” – can be “my powerlessness”, “my helplessness.” “unknown” is a gap.

“Yet, crucially, for Valery, Teste often, perhaps always, experiences his own consciousness as discontinuous and unknowable. He states rather unphenomenologically, that ‘it is what I contain of the unknown to me that makes me myself. It is my clumsiness, my uncertainty that is really myself. My weakness, my frailty…Gaps are my starting point. My impotence is my origin.’” Monsieur Teste, extracts from logbooks, Paul Valery, Monsieur Teste, translated by Jackson Mathews, (Princton: Printeon UP, 1989, p 38) cited in Deppman, Jed "Re-Presenting Paul Valery's Monsieur Teste, symploke - Volume 11, Number 1-2, 2003, pp. 197-211, p. 4.

Une soiree avec Monsieur Teste was written in 1896. Fits in with 1900, year of the gap. When was the logbook with this quote written? b-logbook. The ellipse (my frailty...Gaps) is in the text. Ellipse - a gap. "discontinuous and unknowable" - discontinuity makes a gap.

“Monsieur Teste, Valéry's character famous for his social withdrawal and rigorous intellectual life, made his first appearance in the world in 1896 in an analytical near-narrative called La Soirée avec Monsieur Teste. 1 Published in the second issue of Le Centaure, a "Recueil trimestriel de Littérature et d'Art" under the direction of André Gide and others, this Cartesian meditation was Valéry's youthful reach for an intriguing, uncompromising ideal. Since the journal itself survived only two trimesters, one could say that in the death of the ephemeral Centaure the mythological hero of thought was born.
“Over the next fifty years, Valéry returned again and again to Teste, trying to understand, explain, and give new births to the figure that had happened upon him in his youth. He made new editions and supplementary texts—we now speak of the Teste cycle—and masses of notes, but no definitive inscription; at the time of his death in 1945, he was once again gathering material for another incarnation. Monsieur Teste as he left it is a difficult, heterogeneous mixture of literary description, narrative, poetry, letters, testimonials, notes, and philosophical fragments. Although Poe and Huysmans are clear intellectual precursors, the assortment is unassimilable to any clear-cut literary tradition. A kind of inverse or anti-Candide, it represents, not so much a work of fiction as an arguably unsuccessful but unarguably tenacious intellectual attempt to grasp and portray the activities of a consciousness unlike any other.”
Jed Deppman "Re-Presenting Paul Valery's Monsieur Teste," symploke - Volume 11, Number 1-2, 2003, pp. 197-211

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