GAP in representation; GAP in leadership
Wards 4 and 7 To Face Gap in Representation
By Elissa Silverman
Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, November 25, 2006; Page B02
“Ward 4 residents have grown accustomed to council member Adrian M. Fenty's untiring devotion to getting the small things done for his constituents.
But now because of an oddity in the city charter, ward residents will have no representative for at least four months after Fenty (D) resigns from the council and takes office as mayor Jan. 2.
The gap in leadership concerns some neighbors in upper Northwest, as well as those who live on the eastern side of the city where council member Vincent C. Gray (D-Ward 7) will soon vacate his seat to become chairman of the D.C. Council.”
Wards 4 and 7 To Face Gap in Representation
By Elissa Silverman
Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, November 25, 2006; Page B02
“Ward 4 residents have grown accustomed to council member Adrian M. Fenty's untiring devotion to getting the small things done for his constituents.
But now because of an oddity in the city charter, ward residents will have no representative for at least four months after Fenty (D) resigns from the council and takes office as mayor Jan. 2.
The gap in leadership concerns some neighbors in upper Northwest, as well as those who live on the eastern side of the city where council member Vincent C. Gray (D-Ward 7) will soon vacate his seat to become chairman of the D.C. Council.”
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